S4 Guidance
Instructor: School Counselor Ms. Andria Fusco   

Welcome to the School Counselor Web Page

The most influential years in a child's life are those in elementary school. As the School Counselor at School No. 4, I take the responsibility of my position very seriously. My role nurtures a strong relationship between students, parents and teachers. Life-long learning, inter-personal skills and self-awareness all encompass a child's solid foundation. Parents, teachers and school counselors work collaboratively to achieve these goals. To reach success, a child must grow academically, socially and emotionally. Some of the services that are provided through the guidance department are, but not limited to:
  • Emotional. social, developmental and behavioral guidance to students and families
  • Academic guidance and support services, including the monitoring of academic performance, facilitating communication between school and home.
  • School Crisis and Intervention Referral Services
  • Coordinator of Standardized Testing
  • Individual and Small Group Counseling
  • Classroom Guidance Lessons and school wide activities to promote Character Education
  • Parent/Teacher Conferences
  • Referral Assistance
  • School Anti-Bullying Specialist
Having an open-door policy, I offer students a support system that they can rely on daily. I have a close working relationship with students, teachers, parents, The Child Study Team, and Administration. I consult with teachers on a regular basis regarding the needs of all students. In working closely with students and their families, I encourage parents to contact me at any time with questions or concerns. I can be reached by calling the Guidance Office at (201) 585-4650 extension 4503.

Counselors respect the privacy of information, always considering actions in terms of rights , integrity, and the welfare of students. Counselors are obligated by ethical standards to report or to refer a case when a person's welfare is in jeopardy. It is a counselor's duty to inform an individual under these conditions: harm to self, harm to others, or harm by others.